Hayaa Couture

Made Exclusively by Mumtaaz



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About Us


Store owner, Mom of 3, Abaya designer, Optometrist

Founded in 2015, 

Hayaa Couture is an affordable and elegant modestwear brand in Durban, South Africa.

From abayas to jilbaabs and even robes and coats, Each piece is hand-tailored to ensure nothing but pure quality.

The simple yet elegant designs ensure that your inner vibrancy is reflected through your outfit! The designs are made with love, attention to detail and quality affordable fabrics.

Support local trade, support Hayaa Couture

I would just like to take a moment to thank you for the speedy and efficient service... it was such a breeze placing an order with you and i received it so soon.. i havent yet tried it on.. i will keep u posted when i do. Jzk again


Slms.. Received my cloak order today... Fit is perfect... My girls Nd I are happy wd our purchase... will definitely be ordering more


Jazakallah khair for the cloaks. They're the perfect fit!!! Alhamdulillah. Please may I order 2 more 💜


Slms. Hope you are well💓 recieved my abaayas today and IM IN LOVE 😍😍

JazakAllah so much. 💋


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Musgrave, Durban, South Africa